Articles & Sheet Music
Most of these articles and sheet music have been contributions of the participans of the CADENCE project, 2010.
You can find all articles and the sheet music also for one download in the CADENCE nyckelharpa ebook - See "Publications"
1) Articles on nyckelharpa playing and musical education
The responsibility for the following articles is taken by their respective authors. They reflect aspects of the CADENCE work and are available for free download. All rights are reserved.
The nyckelharpa
- History of the Nyckelharpa (English) – Nyckelharpans historia (Swedish) – La Nyckelharpa e la sua storia (Italian) – Historische Spurensuche – Von der Schlüsselfidel zur Nyckelharpa (German) – by Per-Ulf Allmo
- The nyckelharpa in the CADENCE project – by Esbjörn Hogmark
- Nyckelharpa manufacturing in Sweden – by Esbjörn Hogmark
- "A keyed vielle" – Construction of the instrument from the fresco in Siena, 1408 by Silver Plachesi
- Care and maintenance of the nyckelharpa – by Annette Osann
- About tuning – by Emilia Amper
- Die Schlüsselfidel am Knochenhauer-Amtshaus in Hildesheim (German and English) – by Karsten Evers
Pedagogical aspects
- Nyckelharpa in music schools, the beginning – Interview with Anders Liljefors – by Ditte Andersson
- How it all started with Swedish folk music at the Royal College of Music (KMH) – by Ole Hjorth
- Folkmusicinstitutionen på Kungliga Musikhögskolan i Stockholm – En personlig tillbakablick på 30 år av folkmusikutbildning (Swedish) / Das Institut für Volksmusik an der Königlichen Musikhochschule Stockholm (Deutsch) – by Sven Ahlbäck
- Musical education in Germany – by Angelika Maier
- Musical education in Italy – by Gioele Sindona
- Tre modelli di insegnamento della nyckelharpa / Comparison of three models of teaching nyckelharpa (in Italian) – by Gioele Sindona
- Self-learning by the example of nyckelharpa – by Jule Bauer
- The nyckelharpa as a bowed instrument in music education for young children – by Susanne Brameshuber
- The search for a methodology in devising exercises suitable for different types of nyckelharpa – by Marco Ambrosini
Body and music
- Body, instrument and swing, one unit – by Josefina Paulson
- The language of mind and body in the nyckelharpa practice – by Corrado Bungaro
- Playing in a relaxed way to avoid tendonitis – by Didier François
- The motion in bowing – by David Eriksson
Musical aspects
- Anhemitonische Heptatonik auf traditionsmusikalischer Basis in Hinblick auf die Nyckelharpa / Concepts of tonality (in German) – by Boris Koller
- Arranging a rock-tune for nyckelharpa ensemble – by Davide Castiglia
- Analysis of a contemporary tune – "La Musa danzante" – by Renzo Ruggiero
- Symbols and notation – a handout for composers – by Jule Bauer and Marco Ambrosini
2) CADENCE sheet music for nyckelharpa ensemble
The responsibility for the following sheet music is taken by their respective composers/arrangers. They reflect aspects of the CADENCE work and are available for download. All rights are reserved.
CADENCE Concert Tunes
- Saltarello – Anonymous, Italy, 14th century, arrangement: Marco Ambrosini – Video
- Saltarello Romagnolo – Trad. Romagna, Italy, arrangement: Marco Ambrosini – Video
- A Todeschina – Marco Uccellini, arrangement: Marco Ambrosini – Video
- Fantasia in sol minore – Marco Ambrosini – Video
- Polska efter Sven Donat – Trad. Småland, arrangement: Emilia Amper
- Kapad – Emilia Amper – Video
- Polska efter Sven Donat – Trad. Småland, arrangement: Emilia Amper – Video
- La rosa enflorece – Anonymous Sephardic romance, arrangement: Jule Bauer
- Sa démarche chaloupée et provocante – Didier François
- Barockpolskan – Trad. Sweden, arrangement: Boris Koller – Video
- La musa danzante – Renzo Ruggiero – Video
Additional Sheet Music for Nyckelharpa
- "CADENCE” composition – by Didier François & Emilia Amper
- Polska fra Hoffsmyran – by Emilia Amper
- Two easy folk tunes – arranged for 2 nyckelharpas – by Angelika Maier
- Manfrina romagnola – arrangement by Davide Castiglia
- Three examples of polyphonic arrangements (Bach, Jobim, Satie) – by Didier François
The next events
- 21.02.2025 to 23.02.2025
European Nyckelharpa Training (I)
Ditte Andersson
Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli (Italy) - 21.03.2025 to 23.03.2025
European Nyckelharpa Training (I)
Marco Ambrosini
Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli (Italy) - 04.04.2025 16:00 to 06.04.2025 15:00
European Nyckelharpa Training (D)
Annette Osann
Academy Burg Fürsteneck, Germany - 25.04.2025 to 27.04.2025
European Nyckelharpa Training (I)
Annette Osann
Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli (Italy) - 23.05.2025 16:00 to 25.05.2025 15:00
European Nyckelharpa Training (D)
Ditte Andersson
Academy Burg Fürsteneck, Germany - 30.05.2025 to 01.06.2025
European Nyckelharpa Training (I)
Didier François
Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli (Italy) - 04.08.2025 to 07.08.2025
Master Class – Early Music for Nyckelharpa
Marco Ambrosini
Sant'Agata Feltria (Italy) - 04.08.2025 to 07.08.2025
Nyckelharpa Camp – Early Music
Annette Osann
Sant'Agata Feltria (Italy) - 12.09.2025 16:00 to 14.09.2025 15:00
European Nyckelharpa Training (D)
Didier François
Academy Burg Fürsteneck, Germany - 09.10.2025 18:30 to 12.10.2025 13:00
2025 Intern. Days of the Nyckelharpa
Save the date
Academy Burg Fürsteneck, Germany - 14.11.2025 15:00 to 16.11.2025 15:00
European Nyckelharpa Training (D)
Marco Ambrosini
Hochschule für Musik Trossingen