European Nyckelharpa Training
ENT = Vocational training for professional musicians and dedicated amateur musicians – nyckelharpa player / nyckelharpa teacher
Deutsche Version
The cooperating partner institutes
- Academy Burg Fürsteneck, Eiterfeld (Germany)
- Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli (Italy)
- Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen (Germany) (venue and supporting cooperation)
- Eric Sahlström Institutet, Tobo (Sweden) (supporting cooperation)
The European Nyckelharpa Training is currently offered in Germany
- Academy Burg Fürsteneck together with Musikhochschule Trossingen
and in Italy
- Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli (Italy)
Our teachers:
- Marco Ambrosini
- Ditte Andersson
- Jule Bauer
- Didier François
- Annette Osann
The European Nyckelharpa Training
Educational goal and target group of this advanced training
- The European Nyckelharpa Training (ENT) at Academy Burg Fürsteneck (Germany) and at the Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli (Italy) strives to enable the students to play the nyckelharpa at a rather high level in concerts and / or to teach it competently or play it for their private use depending on the personal emphasis.
- The training is aimed at professional musicians and music teachers with previous experience. Dedicated amateurs with sufficient previous knowledge of music and playing the nyckelharpa (or starting the nyckelharpa but experience on another instrument at an advanced level) can request admission.
- The training is organised in Germany by the Academy Burg Fürsteneck (at the two course locations Burg Fürsteneck and the state-run Musical University Trossingen) and in Italy by the Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli and follow the same curriculum. Workshops at the Eric Sahlström Institut can be included depending on their content.
Extent of the training and organization
- One year of training consists generally of 6 teaching modules (five 2.5 days and also the 3.5-day International Days of the Nyckelharpa). The complete course usually consists of participation in at least 12 to 18 seminar modules over several years, which must cover all topics. Registration is for one year and a minimum of 4 modules. The course takes place when a sufficient number of participants have registered. A legal claim on the implementation of certain training modules or on a continuation of the training in subsequent years does not exist.
- The lessons take place as group tuition, as individual instruction in front of the group and also in exchange, discussion and reflection phases.
- Participation for single seminar modules can be requested. The organisers and the teachers decide on the course organisation and content.
- Marco Ambrosini has overall responsibility for the content of the training. Jule Bauer is the tutor for the German group. Other teachers will teach other subject related individual modules.
Contents of the training
Playing techniques
- How to hold the instrument and the outcomes of the different ways
- Technique with the bow
- Technique with the left hand
Knowledge of the instrument
- Elements and types of the nyckelharpa
- Basic repair and maintenance measures
- Measures to enhance the sound
History of the nyckelharpa
- In Sweden
- In continental Europe
Explore a musical repertoire
Elements of early music
- Middle Ages
- Renaissance
- Baroque
Elements of folk
- Swedish traditional nyckelharpa music
- Other folk, especially pieces referring to regional traditional music from where the participants live and where the seminars take place
Elements of contemporary music
Playing practice
- Ensemble
- Soloist playing
- Performing practice
Elements of education science
- Aspects of methodology and didactics of nyckelharpa lessons
- Pedagogical issues
- Development of a personal teaching style
Elements of composing and arrangement
- Writing and arranging music for nyckelharpa
Each topic has to be covered, but in arrangement with the teachers one should work out one’s individual main focus and decide on how intensively the student deal with each topic. The topics will be filled in a report form signed by the responsible teacher.
Extra tasks along with the seminar
The students are required to visit and write reports about 4 lessons or concerts
- Lesson attendance with one or more instrument teachers (not necessarily nyckelharpa); for example, main focus on observation and reflection of methodology and didactics; dealing with the material from a pedagogical point of view, the instrumental technique and the students; personal aspects and conclusions.
- Concert attendance; for example: analysis of location, organizer, frame conditions, audience, program, affection, selection of the pieces, mood, tension, interviews with musicians and/or organizers, personal aspects and conclusions.
- Total of 4 attendances with reports altogether (1 concert + 3 lessons, 2 concerts + 2 lessons or 3 concerts + 1 lesson possible).
Written report about an own experience in teaching or own performance
Music analysis of a piece
- For example, content, history, author, variations, special characteristics, musical analysis, interpretation, existing recordings, personal reference.
Report diary
- In the course of the whole seminar the students should write a diary about their own personal experiences, personal progress, pedagogical reflections and dealing with the material in order to re-enact their learning steps later.
- Report forms have to be filled in.
- An online platform is available. Collaboration in the wiki is expected.
Individual learning stages
- The nyckelharpa training requires each participant to practice the lesson content regularly and intensely between the seminar modules at home. This is an important condition of participation.
A) Certificate of participation
- Academy Burg Fürsteneck and the Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli will certify the participation in the training and the extra tasks for each student.
B) Diploma
- Moreover, after successful participation during at least two years, but normally three years, students with a good personal and musical level might possibly be able to obtain a diploma by Academy Burg Fürsteneck and Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli after a final exam.
- According to the individual learning tempo of each student and their personal previous knowledge, Burg Fürsteneck and the seminar leaders will decide whether they are ready for the exam or whether extra practice or additional seminar modules are necessary. Students do not automatically have a right to do the exam.
- The final exam normally consists of a written part, a public performance (playing in front of the teachers and maybe an audience or a concert), a demonstration lesson and a final oral examination.
- The subject of the written part will be decided on together with the leader of the training. It should be handed in at the latest 30 days before the date of the exam.
- The exam itself may cause additional costs which will depend on the frame conditions of the exam.
Concert diploma in Cesena (Italy)
- The final certificate might be used as an entry requirement for a degree course leading to the concert diploma of the Conservatorio Maderna in Cesena (FC, Italy).
- Persons interested in the training are applying with a short musical CV, which shows the musical education and experience, and with an own recording as mp3 or mp4. (Technical perfection is not expected.)
- A claim to admission does not exist. Normally, participation in a first module is considered a trial to get to know each other without a permanent obligation.
If you are interested, please contact us! There are places available even for almost beginners and non-professional musicians, even with an instrument for rent to start with. Just ask about the personal conditions.
For dates and condition see ENT-Germany or ENT-Italy
The next events
- 21.02.2025 to 23.02.2025
European Nyckelharpa Training (I)
Ditte Andersson
Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli (Italy) - 21.03.2025 to 23.03.2025
European Nyckelharpa Training (I)
Marco Ambrosini
Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli (Italy) - 04.04.2025 16:00 to 06.04.2025 15:00
European Nyckelharpa Training (D)
Annette Osann
Academy Burg Fürsteneck, Germany - 25.04.2025 to 27.04.2025
European Nyckelharpa Training (I)
Annette Osann
Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli (Italy) - 23.05.2025 16:00 to 25.05.2025 15:00
European Nyckelharpa Training (D)
Ditte Andersson
Academy Burg Fürsteneck, Germany - 30.05.2025 to 01.06.2025
European Nyckelharpa Training (I)
Didier François
Scuola di Musica Popolare di Forlimpopoli (Italy) - 04.08.2025 to 07.08.2025
Master Class – Early Music for Nyckelharpa
Marco Ambrosini
Sant'Agata Feltria (Italy) - 04.08.2025 to 07.08.2025
Nyckelharpa Camp – Early Music
Annette Osann
Sant'Agata Feltria (Italy) - 12.09.2025 16:00 to 14.09.2025 15:00
European Nyckelharpa Training (D)
Didier François
Academy Burg Fürsteneck, Germany - 09.10.2025 18:30 to 12.10.2025 13:00
2025 Intern. Days of the Nyckelharpa
Save the date
Academy Burg Fürsteneck, Germany - 14.11.2025 15:00 to 16.11.2025 15:00
European Nyckelharpa Training (D)
Marco Ambrosini
Hochschule für Musik Trossingen