Ole Hjorth (Sweden)
Guest article in the CADENCE project
How it All Started with Swedish Folk Music at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm (KMH)
A Personal Retrospect – by Ole Hjorth
Ole Hjorth was responsible for the creation of the folk music educations at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. Here is his retrospective. – We had in the CADENCE project a conference about this subject with Ole Hjorth and Sven Ahlbäck in Tobo, January 2010.
The next events
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International Days of the Nyckelharpa
Different teachers and subjects for choice
Academy Burg Fürsteneck, Germany - 08.11.2024 16:00 to 11.11.2024 15:00
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European Nyckelharpa Training (D)
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Academy Burg Fürsteneck, Germany - 04.04.2025 16:00 to 06.04.2025 15:00
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European Nyckelharpa Training (D)
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Academy Burg Fürsteneck, Germany - 12.09.2025 16:00 to 14.09.2025 15:00
European Nyckelharpa Training (D)
Didier François
Academy Burg Fürsteneck, Germany - 09.10.2025 18:30 to 12.10.2025 13:00
2025 Intern. Days of the Nyckelharpa
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Academy Burg Fürsteneck, Germany